Friday Foto Finder: Modern



The topic of this week’s Friday Foto Finder is “Modern”. The trouble with items that are modern today, though, is that tomorrow they’re already “so yesterday”.


The pulse watch above is modern enough for me, I don’t need any GPS tracking and connecting to facebook, twitter and co. Knowing how long I cycled, what my pulse rate was and how many calories I burnt is fully sufficient. I guess I’m just so yesterday. 😉

Friday Foto Finder: Lighthouse

Lighthouse in Majorca

Lighthouse in Majorca

I grew up not far from a lighthouse that is very well-known in Germany, because it features in an advertisement for beer.

However, I’ve never been there for some reason. I spent a holiday hundreds of miles away and there cycled to this lovely old lighthouse in Majorca, though.

Oh, I searched LibriVox and found a book about Lighthouses (click on the image for the link):

Instructions to Light Keepers

LibriVox  cover for the recording of Instructions to Light Keepers from the United States Lighthouse Board

Find out what other lighthouses there are on the Friday Foto Finder website.

Friday Foto Finder: Arch



Some of the many arches in ancient Greece, these being located in Ephesus.



There are no arches where I live (at least I couldn’t find any), but ancient Greece (now Turkey) is full of them. So many arches to choose from, it is incredible; the one below we found while on a cycling holiday in Majorca.



Arched doorway in a deserted and ruinous house in Majorca.

Check out what arches others have on the Friday Foto Finder page.

How is your Fitness?

First results on my usual cycling round

I’ve mentioned elsewhere that I’m cycling frequently. I’ve done so for the last 17 months, so I don’t consider myself an untrained person. However, there’ve been days when I got back home with my face being a very unhealthy colour – nearly purple – and so I decided it was time to track my pulse. I bought the pulse meter you can see above and used it for the first time this morning. Continue reading